Reading Single Day of Data

Getting things set up

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn
import matplotlib as mpl
from bokeh import palettes
from bokeh.charts import Bar
import math
from IPython.display import Image

In [2]:
from import output_notebook, show

Loading BokehJS ...

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline

The below file is a sample day of data stored as an HDF5 file. It can be read as a DataFrame.

In [16]:
file = r'D:\ADSB\working\h5\2016-12-02.h5'

In [17]:
store = pd.HDFStore(file)

In [18]:

<class ''>
File path: D:\ADSB\working\h5\2016-12-02.h5
/data            frame_table  (typ->appendable,nrows->5129914,ncols->60,indexers->[index],dc->[Alt,Cou,FSeen,PosTime,From,Icao,Id,Lat,Long,Mil,To,Type,Op,OpIcao,Help,Stops])

How many rows are in the file?

In [19]:


In [21]:
day_of_data_df = store['data']

And how many unique aircraft reports?

In [23]:


And how many of the rows contain lat/long/alt?

In [24]:
day_of_data_df['Lat'].count(), day_of_data_df['Long'].count(), day_of_data_df['Alt'].count()

(4349182, 4349182, 5020477)

What about Manufacturer or Aircraft Type?

In [25]:

(4814090, 4813125)

Below is a Pivot Table showing the number of unique aircraft and the number of unique aircraft manufacturers by Airaft Country (where it is registered).

In [26]:
               aggfunc=lambda x: len(x.unique())).sort_values(by='Id',ascending=False)[:30]

Id Man
Unknown or unassigned country 28154 10
United States 20182 274
United Kingdom 6227 275
Germany 5460 121
China 3406 16
France 2905 97
Russia 2657 18
Spain 2476 36
Canada 2325 112
Australia 2200 88
Netherlands 1970 137
Italy 1959 32
Ireland 1647 67
Japan 1240 30
Turkey 1089 33
Brazil 1070 20
Belgium 1020 49
Switzerland 991 86
India 871 15
Austria 865 46
Argentina 757 18
Denmark 695 46
Norway 656 29
Hungary 591 14
Poland 550 25
Portugal 547 25
United Arab Emirates 500 13
Indonesia 466 11
Serbia 459 12
Finland 458 20

Airfraft Manufacturers

In [27]:
aircraft_df = day_of_data_df[['Id','Cou','Year','Man','Type']].dropna(how='all')
aircraft_df = aircraft_df.drop_duplicates(subset='Id')

Here are the top aircraft manufacturers.

In [28]:
mfr = aircraft_df.groupby('Man').count()['Id'].sort_values(ascending=False)[:10]
aircraft_df_by_mfr = aircraft_df[aircraft_df['Man'].isin(list(mfr.index))].groupby(['Man']).count()
aircraft_df_by_mfr = aircraft_df_by_mfr.sort_values(by='Id', ascending=False)
print('Total number of manufactuers: %i' % len(aircraft_df.groupby('Man').count()['Id']))

Total number of manufactuers: 593
Boeing                       8954
Airbus                       7137
Cessna                       3597
Bombardier                   2403
Embraer                      1625
Piper                        1565
Beech                         938
Eurocopter                    716
Raytheon Aircraft Company     591
Gulfstream Aerospace          533
Name: Id, dtype: int64

In [29]:
p = Bar(aircraft_df_by_mfr, label='index', values='Id', 
        xlabel='Aircraft Manufacturer', ylabel='Number of Aircraft',
        title="Major Aircraft Manufactures", width=800, legend=None, 
p.title.text_font_size = "12pt"
p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt"
p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt"
p.xaxis.major_label_text_font = "10pt"
p.yaxis.major_label_text_font = "10pt"

Airports by Country

Grabed a csv that provides airports (by ICAO name) to county.

In [30]:
airport_codes = pd.read_csv('', 
airport_codes.columns = ['Name', 'City', 'Country', 'IATA', 'ICAO', 'Latitude', 
                                     'Longitude', 'Altitude', 'Timezone', 'DST', 'Tz', 'Type', 'Source']

Name City Country IATA Latitude Longitude Altitude Timezone DST Tz Type Source
AYGA Goroka Airport Goroka Papua New Guinea GKA -6.08169 145.391998 5282 10 U Pacific/Port_Moresby airport OurAirports
AYMD Madang Airport Madang Papua New Guinea MAG -5.20708 145.789001 20 10 U Pacific/Port_Moresby airport OurAirports
AYMH Mount Hagen Kagamuga Airport Mount Hagen Papua New Guinea HGU -5.82679 144.296005 5388 10 U Pacific/Port_Moresby airport OurAirports

Construct a dataframe listing the number (and percentage) of each arrival/departure.

In [31]:
def country_lu(s):
    if s in airport_codes.index: 
        return airport_codes.loc[airport_codes.index == s, 'Country'].item()
        return ''

def city_lu(s):
    if s in airport_codes.index: 
        return airport_codes.loc[airport_codes.index == s, 'City'].item()
        return ''

In [36]:
us_airports = airport_codes[airport_codes['Country'] == 'United States'].index.values
usa_from = day_of_data_df[day_of_data_df['From'].isin(us_airports)]
usa_to = day_of_data_df[day_of_data_df['To'].isin(us_airports)]
us_airports_df = pd.concat((usa_from, usa_to)).drop_duplicates()

In [37]:
airports = pd.DataFrame()
airports['From'] = day_of_data_df.groupby(["To"]).Id.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).sort_values(ascending=True)
airports['To'] = day_of_data_df.groupby(["From"]).Id.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).sort_values(ascending=True)
airports['From'] = airports['From'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
airports['To'] = airports['To'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
airports['From (%)'] = airports['From']/airports['From'].sum() * 100
airports['To (%)'] = airports['To']/airports['To'].sum() * 100
airports['From'] = airports['From'].fillna(0)

From To From (%) To (%)
EGLL 582 525 2.018240 1.842364
KLAX 532 499 1.844852 1.751123
EDDF 410 411 1.421785 1.442308
ZBAA 429 394 1.487672 1.382650
LFPG 379 380 1.314284 1.333520
EHAM 380 376 1.317751 1.319483
KJFK 356 370 1.234525 1.298428
ZSPD 370 369 1.283074 1.294919
VHHH 346 336 1.199847 1.179113
EDDM 311 297 1.078476 1.042252
KMCO 240 286 0.832264 1.003650
WSSS 280 282 0.970975 0.989613
KORD 269 280 0.932829 0.982594
KSFO 319 268 1.106218 0.940483
KBOS 238 261 0.825329 0.915918
YSSY 273 258 0.946700 0.905390
LTBA 278 253 0.964039 0.887844
KEWR 243 242 0.842667 0.849242
LEMD 252 241 0.873877 0.845733
RJTT 204 240 0.707424 0.842223

And here it is grouped by country.

In [542]:
airport_country = airports.groupby(airports['Country'])

From To From (%) To (%)
United States 1378 1125 43.871379 44.501582
United Kingdom 279 275 8.882521 10.878165
China 224 225 7.131487 8.900316
Germany 203 204 6.462910 8.069620
Netherlands 122 135 3.884113 5.340190
Russia 117 72 3.724928 2.848101
Hong Kong 104 83 3.311047 3.283228
France 99 142 3.151862 5.617089
Turkey 93 89 2.960840 3.520570
Singapore 82 87 2.610634 3.441456
Thailand 81 0 2.578797 0.000000
United Arab Emirates 81 0 2.578797 0.000000
Canada 77 91 2.451449 3.599684
Malaysia 71 0 2.260427 0.000000
Australia 65 0 2.069405 0.000000
Israel 65 0 2.069405 0.000000

Below is a plot of the top 30 international departure airports.

In [47]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
d = airports.sort_values(by='From',ascending=False)[:30].sort_values(by='From',ascending=True)
color = np.where(d.index.isin(us_airports),palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][0],palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][-1])
ax = d['From (%)'].plot(kind='barh',color=color, title='Top 30 Airports Internationally (Departures)')
city = [city_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
country = [country_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
city_countr = [', '.join(s) for s in zip(city,country)] 
rects = ax.patches
for rect, label in zip(rects, city_countr):
    width = rect.get_width()
    height = rect.get_height()
    y = rect.get_y()
    ax.text(width + .10,y + height * .95, label, color='black',fontsize=12, ha='left', va='top', weight='heavy')

Below is a plot of the top 30 international arrival airports.

In [50]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
d = airports.sort_values(by='To',ascending=False)[:30].sort_values(by='To',ascending=True)
color = np.where(d.index.isin(us_airports),palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][0],palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][-1])
ax = d['To (%)'].plot(kind='barh', color=color, title='Top 30 Airports Internationally (Arrivals)')
city = [city_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
country = [country_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
city_countr = [', '.join(s) for s in zip(city,country)] 
rects = ax.patches
for rect, label in zip(rects, city_countr):
    width = rect.get_width()
    height = rect.get_height()
    y = rect.get_y()
    ax.text(width + .1,y + height * .95, label, color='black',fontsize=12, ha='left', va='top', weight='heavy')

Here is similar data for flights that start or stop in the US

In [51]:
usa_airports = pd.DataFrame()
usa_airports['From'] = day_of_data_df.groupby(["From"]).Id.nunique()
usa_airports['To'] = day_of_data_df.groupby(["To"]).Id.nunique()
usa_airports['From'] = usa_airports['From'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
usa_airports['To'] = usa_airports['To'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
usa_airports['From (%)'] = usa_airports['From']/usa_airports['From'].sum() * 100
usa_airports['To (%)'] = usa_airports['To']/usa_airports['To'].sum() * 100
usa_airports['Country'] = [country_lu(code) for code in usa_airports.index.values]
usa_airports['Domestic'] = usa_airports.index.isin(us_airports) = 'Airport'

From To From (%) To (%) Country Domestic
EGLL 525 582 1.828759 2.034823 United Kingdom False
KLAX 499 532 1.738191 1.860010 United States True
ZBAA 394 429 1.372440 1.499895 China False
EDDF 411 410 1.431657 1.433466 Germany False
EHAM 376 380 1.309739 1.328578 Netherlands False

In [52]:

From To From (%) To (%)
False 22508 22426 78.403233 78.407104
True 6200 6176 21.596767 21.592896

The top 30 airports where the destination is in the US.

In [54]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
d = usa_airports[usa_airports.To.index.isin(us_airports)].sort_values(by='From',ascending=False)[:30].sort_values(by='From',ascending=True)
color = np.where(d.index.isin(us_airports),
ax = d['From (%)'].plot(kind='barh', color=color, title='Top 30 Departure Airports with US Destination')
city = [city_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
country = [country_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
rects = ax.patches
for rect, label in zip(rects, city):
    width = rect.get_width()
    height = rect.get_height()
    y = rect.get_y()
    ax.text(width + .1,y + height * .95, label, color='black',fontsize=10, ha='left', va='top', weight='heavy')

In [56]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
d = usa_airports[usa_airports.From.index.isin(us_airports)].sort_values(by='To',ascending=False)[:30].sort_values(by='To',ascending=True)
color = np.where(d.index.isin(us_airports), palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][0],palettes.d3['Category20c'][5][-1])
ax = d['To (%)'].plot(kind='barh',  color=color, title='Top 30 Arrival Airports with US Departure')
city = [city_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
country = [country_lu(code) for code in d.index.values]
rects = ax.patches
for rect, label in zip(rects, city):
    width = rect.get_width()
    height = rect.get_height()
    y = rect.get_y()
    ax.text(width + .1,y + height * .95, label, color='black',fontsize=10, ha='left', va='top', weight='heavy')

In [57]:
international = usa_airports[~usa_airports.From.index.isin(us_airports)]
international = international[~international.To.index.isin(us_airports)]

From To From (%) To (%) Country Domestic
EGLL 525 582 1.828759 2.034823 United Kingdom False
EDDF 411 410 1.431657 1.433466 Germany False
ZBAA 394 429 1.372440 1.499895 China False
LFPG 380 379 1.323673 1.325082 France False
EHAM 376 380 1.309739 1.328578 Netherlands False
ZSPD 369 370 1.285356 1.293616 China False
VHHH 336 346 1.170405 1.209706 Hong Kong False
EDDM 297 311 1.034555 1.087337 Germany False
WSSS 282 280 0.982305 0.978953 Singapore False
YSSY 258 273 0.898704 0.954479 Australia False

In [58]:
international_country = international.groupby(international['Country'])
print('Main contries traveled to:\n',', '.join(list(international_country.sum().sort_values(by='To',
print('Main countries traveled from:\n', ', '.join(list(international_country.sum().sort_values(by='From',

Main contries traveled to:
 China, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Spain, Japan, France, Italy, Brazil, Russia, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Netherlands, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway
Main countries traveled from:
 China, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Japan, Spain, France, Brazil, Italy, Russia, Canada, Turkey, Malaysia, Netherlands, Mexico, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Sweden, Norway, United Arab Emirates

In [62]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 6
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100
from_ = international_country.sum().sort_values(by='From',ascending=False).head(15)['From']
from_ = from_ / from_.sum() * 100
to_ = international_country.sum().sort_values(by='To',ascending=False).head(15)['To']
to_ = to_ / to_.sum() * 100
ax = pd.concat([from_, to_], axis=1).sort_values(by='To',ascending=False).plot(kind='barh')
ax.set_xlabel('Percentage of Flights Originating or Ending in USA')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x25019eb00>

And Atlanta...

In [288]:


In [65]:
atl_ ='data',where='From = "KATL" | To = "KATL"').drop_duplicates()
atl = pd.DataFrame()
atl['From'] = atl_.groupby(["To"]).Id.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).sort_values(ascending=True)
atl['To'] = atl_.groupby(["From"]).Id.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).sort_values(ascending=True)
atl['From'] = atl['From'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
atl['To'] = atl['To'].fillna(0).map(np.int64)
atl['From (%)'] = atl['From']/atl['From'].sum() * 100
atl['To (%)'] = atl['To']/atl['To'].sum() * 100
atl['Country'] = [country_lu(code) for code in atl.index.values]
atl.drop('KATL', inplace=True)

From To From (%) To (%) Country
KLAX 11 9 3.942652 3.913043 United States
KSFO 5 8 1.792115 3.478261 United States
KMCO 1 6 0.358423 2.608696 United States
LFPG 2 6 0.716846 2.608696 France
KLGA 4 5 1.433692 2.173913 United States
KORD 2 5 0.716846 2.173913 United States
KJFK 2 5 0.716846 2.173913 United States
EHAM 2 5 0.716846 2.173913 Netherlands
EGLL 2 4 0.716846 1.739130 United Kingdom
KEWR 6 3 2.150538 1.304348 United States
KSLC 3 3 1.075269 1.304348 United States
KMEM 1 3 0.358423 1.304348 United States
KFLL 1 2 0.358423 0.869565 United States
LGAV 1 2 0.358423 0.869565 Greece
KPDX 2 2 0.716846 0.869565 United States
KSEA 6 2 2.150538 0.869565 United States
KSYR 1 2 0.358423 0.869565 United States
KPHL 2 2 0.716846 0.869565 United States
KDCA 3 2 1.075269 0.869565 United States
OTBD 1 2 0.358423 0.869565 Qatar

In [ ]: